I am too. My awareness of my weight started when I was a pre-teen. I was taller and thicker than my cousins who were petite and skinny and I always felt as though I towered over them in more ways than one. I was active though so my parents didn’t seem to have any concerns and I guess by extension neither did I. The next time I recall being aware of my weight was when my dad told me in passing that I needed to lose some. That singular moment launched my obsession with weight.

From that point, I began to try every fad diet out there (remember phen-phen?) and I had limited success using some of them (Atkins and hypnosis worked). However, I always gained the weight back. As I got older I began to understand and appreciate my body no matter the size. I also started to learn the numbers on the scale don’t define me nor do they tell the whole story and I think that’s when my relationship with food shifted. I’m an emotional eater and it became my way to avoid dealing with my emotions.

Honestly, I still struggle with making healthy food choices (dangle a Reese’s Cup in front of me and I’m all yours!) and some days I have to talk myself through a workout because I’m tired and/or just don’t want to work out. Anyway, I just wanted to share a snippet of my story in hopes that everyone understands that we all have something we’re struggling with; however, it doesn’t mean we give up. It means we try no matter what we’re feeling about ourselves or what others feel about us.
This speaks volumes.